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Thursday, June 10, 2010


The Morphing

Monday, September 14, 2009 at 12:17am

There are signs. Yet, if truth be told, closeness blinds the eye more than any reasons known to men. If closeness doesn’t blind one, it certainly dents the ability to objectify situations as the need arises.

But I’d like to contradict myself, which is what I often do. Closeness gives you that zone of comfort towards another person, so you trust that person to remain constant towards you, or at least always be true to what he was before. But change happens. It’s not always bad, even if that person drifts away from you. Even if the tie that binds you together is somewhat severed. It happens.

What’s terribly sad is if that person turns into totally someone different, where the last vestige of his old person has been buried deep into layer after layer of experience. The only remaining trace of his previous self is his face and his name.

Of tantamount significance are the positive qualities which he has lost along the way. His humility, his kindness and all that made him a veritably kind person has been replaced by a very proud, steely visage of monstrosity.

Whereas before, he’d take an advice to heart without taking grudges, now he deflects words of kindness with outbursts of vituperation and readily accuses anyone of stupidity when his will is challenged. He no longer feels compassion towards his family, and his friends.

He is only driven to be kind to those who he feels will suit his lifestyle, and those who will make his life materially better. Where before, he smiles with patience towards the mistakes of his brothers, now he scoffs at them and pummels them with verbal lashings only heard in the slums.
His only obligation now is not for his family, but for his own sake.

But all is not lost. He still feels enough love towards his parents, though he sows resentment towards them.

So sad, terribly sad.

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